I had a PET Scan in May to see about my lung and it was discovered that I had the start of liver cancer. If there is any good news it is that it was not there on December’s scan so it was caught very early. It is asymptomatic so is not normally caught this early. I get regular blood tests and always ask about my liver function. When I asked my PCP why it did not show on that she said that it would only be detected when it causes damage.
I start Chemo on Monday. This is different than my last treatment and looks more intense. I go every two weeks and they will attach some kind of pump that works for 48 hours. So I have to go back on Wednesdays to have it stopped.
They are doing additional tests to see if I have a certain marker and if I do they will also try Immunotherapy.
More next week.
Keep up the good fight Rich.
Good you found it early
Your in our prayers.