Chemo Session 3

September has not been a good month for me. My last session was on Thursday 8/29. Friday night I developed a fever with chills. I went to the Emergency Room and was admitted with what the doctor called a life threatening condition called Neutropina or low white blood cell count. They gave me antibiotics and fluids. Everyone who came in the room had to wear a mask including me. I was released on Monday and was back in the ER on Wednesday evening with another fever, This time they released me after giving me fluids. This is because I had a sever case of diarrhea. This is in addition to sores in my mouth, lack of appetite and general lethargy. This went on for almost a week. I lost 20 pounds so far this month.

I saw my oncologist on Friday and he decided to postpone treatments until I was stable. Also he said the he will reduce the dosage by 25%.

I am now back to normal – no sores and eating normally – and will resume treatments today.

1 thought on “Chemo Session 3”

  1. Doing great Rich. One set back but when we talked your doctor had encouraging news. Kick this pigs ass.

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