Celebrating Richard’s life in loving memory
September 20, 1948- November 26, 2020
Richard was a loving husband, son, brother, father, and friend that will be missed and was loved by all who knew him. He had a deep sense of honor, responsibility, respect, and honesty toward everyone that can’t be matched. He always saw the best in everyone and was willing to do whatever it took to make the people around him happy. He was always the life of the party and loved making people laugh. He would want everyone to remember all the good times over the years.
One of most heartfelt things I heard my dad say was at his father’s funeral. He told the story of how his father (Gustave Ehring) always preached that you need to leave the world as you found it. My dad’s response was that my grandfather broke his own rule by leaving the world better than he found it. I think Dad strived to live up to that saying. I can say from the bottom of my heart that my dad also left the world a much better place and every life he touched is better off from knowing him.
These are tough and unprecedented times for the entire world. In different times, he would want everyone to gather and have a big celebration of his life and enjoy laughter and good stories. But with the current state of the world, he would rather everyone stay safe and focus on the health and safety of everyone and their close families. So instead, we are going to use this website to share memories, stories, photos and try as best we can to honor a man that will be greatly missed and left a huge hole in the world. Please feel free to leave any comments or stories you would like to share at the bottom of this page.
— Christine

By now a lot of you have heard the sad, news of Richie’s passing. He was my rock, my love, and my best friend. I miss him already I don’t know how I will continue on ….except I have the love and support of family and friends. Thank you all for the well wishes and sympathy you have shown.
Christine and I have been making a memorial to celebrate Richie’s life… which included thoughts and pictures from Stephen, Susan, and Matthew. Because of Covid we felt this was the safest way to honor this wonderful man.
A story I want to share with everyone is about our first trip to the country…A house my family shared and 150 acres in the mountains of New York. I had just recently met Richie and since my family was planning a trip to the country, I invited him to join us. The trip was one disaster after another…including Richie and I getting lost in the woods. With all that happened during the trip, I was surprised Richie did not get on the next bus home to Brooklyn. He stayed with us and helped my dad with repairs around the house. There are many many stories I could share with our trips back to the country….Another time, we went to the country for some peace and quiet, the first morning we were there, we heard a noise with something coming up the hill ( it was a dirt road one mile off the main road). Then right in front of our house a huge cement mixer stalled out and needed a tow truck from the other direction. While waiting for the tow truck, the cement had to be unloaded before it dried. It was dumped in the back of the house to make an impromptu driveway. The kids enjoyed watching the big trucks doing their work. It was always Richie’s luck that memorable things happened every time we went on vacation.
Without writing a book, I cannot tell all the fun and memorable times we had. I love you Richie and miss you already.
Photo Gallery of Richard
Magic Kingdom with the Kirstens Matt’s Wedding
Memories from Stephen
In leu of flowers
In leu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to LifePath Hospice.
A Successful Man
“That man is a success –
who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much;
who has gained the respect of intelligent men
and the love of children;
who has filled his niche
and accomplished his task;
who leaves the world better
than he found it;
who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty
or failed to express it.;
who looked for the best in others
and gave the best he had.”
– Author Unknown
Jeanne, Christine, Stephen, Susan, and Matthew … This was a beautiful tribute to your husband and father. Being a next door neighbor for many years , I can honestly say I never saw Rich without a smile on his face. He will be missed.
Jeanne, Christine, Stephen, Susan, and Matthew,
I am so very sorry for your loss. Rich was a lovely man and neighbor. He loved a good laugh and always said hello to me with a smile. Your tribute is lovely and we will miss seeing him on the block too. In time, may your memories of him, bring you peace and comfort.
Your neighbor,
Noel Cherasaro